She was born in Wroclaw, Poland. She is half Greek, half Polish Studied acting in the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki. She worked as an actor in the North National Theater and co-founded the team “Asypka”, a theatrical group based in Athens. She first encountered physical theatre in a workshop with Teatr Piesn Kozla during her studies and in 2009 she went to Wroclaw, Poland to do the MA in acting with Piesn Kozla in collaboration with M.M.U.
Now, she is a member of Studio Matejka in the Grotowski Institute, member of the Odra Ensemble in collaboration withTeatr Piesn Kozla and member of Jubilo Project in Wroclaw. Her Main Interest of reaserch is focusing in the chorus function of greek tragedy and how it is connected with the every day chorus of life and the ensemble work. A big inspiration and a life experience was her expedition in Cuba towards the Guandanamo base. She has a degree in Astanga Yoga and also is teaching Achient Greek tragedy at the University of Wroclaw (ISKIO), Mediteranian studies from 2010.