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Natalia Drozd was born in Wrocław, Poland in 1995 and began her training at the age of six in classical ballet. She has also experience in other dance techniques and methods of improving body movement such as hip-hop, contemporary dance, improvisation, Feldenkrais Method and GAGA movement language. She has begun intensive training in classical ballet at ballet school of Lower Silesian- Musical Theatre in Wroclaw since 2009. She has discovered and improved contemporary dance led by Tomek Pomersbach since 2015. She studied pantomime at Wrocław State College of Culture Animation (2014-2016). She has participated in many workshops led by Iván Pérez Avilés, Chloé Beillevaire, Peyman Fallahian Sichani, Erez Zohar, Natalia Iwaniec.

Natalia Drozd
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