The programme is the outcome of more than 15 years of practice within an extended platform of body work including gymnastics, sport, martial arts, dance, theatre and body therapy. In our work, we constantly develop our experiences and deepen the creative process by conducting intensive research in communication, adaptation, presence, relation, expression, potential and creativity. How that which is being acquired becomes embedded and a vital part of ourselves? In the process of training and adapting new data, we translate its meaning into the needs of the Human – the Warrior-Performer. We train, explore and practise. How the body becomes an embodied story of what is already known and of what is not yet discovered and understood in us? How to awaken in us our foundations and the internal rules and principles?

Jakub Gontarski
Jakub Gontarski collaborates with the Grotowski Institute as the leader of the Two Paths Studio, which operates as part of the BodyConstitution research programme. He Initiated a program String Body Initiated the programme of action of the String body in which the directions of work are expression, presence, dramaturgy, creativity at the martial arts in the path of the Warrior-Performer. Travels to Brazil taking a living inspiration by documenting and taking an active part in the rituals of Candomble. Co-creator of the productions Animan – I Am That and Madhouse and many others. He performs movement improvisations on stage to live music. Jakub is a graduate of the 13 Film Stunt School in Wrocław. He is a co-organizer of the CYRKULACJE Festival in Wrocław and Planet Kids President of the Momentum Association of Creative Initiatives. Project. He practiced the Japanese martial art of judo and the Brazilian martial art of capoeira (in Brazil and in many European countries). He studied with eminented teachers movement in Poland and all over the world. Jakub inspires in brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, sport, movement body mechanics. He worked for the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe leading numerous workshops, choreography and performances with international youth.He leads workshops with socially excluded youth in Wrocław, including as part of the project Thought in Motion, undertaken by the Institute of Music and Dance. He taught movement classes at Ente private kindergarten (European Cooperation Centre). He plays Afro-Brazilian instruments. The author of the collection of poems "death and rebirth".